WCRA is encouraged by the NSW Government’s decision to enforce stricter standards on lithium-ion battery-powered e-bikes, e-scooters, and other mobility vehicles. This is a vital step towards improving safe disposal of batteries and improved safety for our industry in Australia.
In our industry, there are between 10,000 – 12,000 fires a year caused by improperly disposed batteries, whether in collection trucks or at disposal sites. These incidents put both our staff and the community at risk, and they are entirely preventable.
The current regulations surrounding batteries and battery recycling are disjointed and inadequate. It’s reassuring to see the NSW Government taking some action to improve the situation, showing that our sector’s concerns are beginning to be taken seriously and that all of our hard work lobbying wasn’t in vain. But there is still a very long way to go in this space.
National Leading Standards for Battery Powered Devices